

یکشنبه ۱۹ اسفند ۰۳

Consultation with a neurologist

Consultation with a neurologist

One of the most sensitive parts of the human body is the brain and nerves. Everything a person can do is through the activity and coordination of the nervous system, which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, sensory organs, and neurons that act as communication channels between the various organs of the body. The nervous system maintains internal order and the activities of muscles, organs, emotions, etc. in the body.

Who is a neurologist?

The neurologist first evaluates the initial and non-surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system and muscles. And if necessary and at the discretion of a neurologist, patients are referred to a neurosurgeon.

Neurologist Diseases such as sleep disorders, seizures, MS, various headaches, migraines, acute muscle paralysis, stroke, chronic back pain, infections of the brain and peripheral nervous system, movement disorders such as hand tremors and Parkinson's, disorders Diagnoses and treats neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord disorders, convulsive disorders such as epilepsy, esophageal and tongue disorders, brain and spinal tumors, neuromuscular diseases such as myasthenia gravis, etc. he does.

How to see a neurologist?

If you have symptoms that indicate neurological disease, such as:

Frequent or severe headache, dizziness, seizures and disturbances of consciousness or fainting, forgetfulness and memory disorders, tingling in the hands and feet, partial or complete paralysis and weakness of the hands and feet, back pain, tremors or slowness of movements, drop Or disturbances in the level of consciousness, sleep disturbances, muscle weakness, loss of coordination, sensory changes that affect the sense of sight, taste, smell, touch.

Some of these symptoms come on suddenly, which can be a sign of a stroke.

It is important to know exactly when to see a neurologist because early diagnosis and immediate treatment of nervous system and neurological problems play an important role in preventing possible side effects and worsening of the patient's symptoms. Therefore, knowing and recognizing the symptoms plays an important role in this matter, so having a consultation with experts in this field is very helpful, and today, it is easy to establish an online consultation with a neurologist at any time and place where an accident occurs. To take full advantage of their guidance.

For online consultation, visit

Consultation with a geneticist

Consultation with a geneticist

Genetic counseling is arguably the most important step in preventing inherited diseases and the health of the next generation and family. The golden time is to do premarital counseling.

The task of a geneticist

Genetic counseling by carefully examining the diseases that exist in the family, even for the first time, or the disease of individuals and the type of heritability pattern can accurately diagnose the possibility of recurrence and ways to prevent it and even eliminate the disease, completely helps in the family.

Information required when consulting a geneticist

Information about birth defects in the family

The age at which a relative died of a particular illness

The age at which a relative is diagnosed with a particular disease

Diseases and other medical conditions of relatives

Provide complete family information

You should also have information about your personal medical history

Who needs genetic counseling?

If there is a history of genetic disorders in the family of one of the couples, they need more counseling. The most common genetic disorders such as Down syndrome or Mongolianism, congenital heart disease, congenital clubfoot, cleft lip or cleft palate, abnormal head size, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, hemophilia, cystic kidney disease, favism, and consanguineous marriage

  Because in consanguineous marriages, the risk of genetic diseases is at least three times higher than in non-consanguineous marriages. Because the common genes between couples are inherited from their common grandparents, it causes the defective and latent genes in their children to come together and lead to genetic diseases that may be present in other members of the family. And has not shown itself in previous generations.

History of mental retardation in family or close relatives, dwarfism and growth retardation, multiple congenital defects, history of metabolic disorders in family members such as abnormal shape and appearance, phenylketonuria, deafness, puberty disorder, genital ambiguity, abortion Frequent infertility, stillbirth, and so on.

 Pregnancy at age 35 and older because chromosomal abnormalities are much more common in children born to older mothers.

The importance of genetic counseling

Many of the deaths that occur in infants are due to genetic disorders. To prevent such problems, genetic counseling should be done before birth or before marriage and pregnancy, even during pregnancy, to take steps to ensure good health. Children are obtained. The possibility of online consultation with a geneticist has made it very easy for people who want and need to consult.

For online consultation, visit

Consult a dermatologist

Consult a dermatologist

The skin is the largest organ in the body. And it is the body's first line of defense against injuries and pathogens. A dermatologist specializes in treating disorders and diseases of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. They can also help with cosmetic issues and rejuvenate the skin, hair, and nails.

Man always wants beauty and youth and strives to achieve them. Many conditions can negatively affect the skin and hair, such as Climatic conditions, weather, unhealthy nutrition, diseases, stress, and internal factors

Skills of a dermatologist

Diagnosis and treatment of skin and hair diseases such as skin cancer, eczema, treatment of pimples and acne and nail infections

Dermatologists can diagnose skin and hair diseases (dermatopathology) and treat them with cosmetic surgery by sampling and examining them under a microscope.

Skills of skin and hair specialist in beauty and rejuvenation

Injection of fillers and botulinum toxin to rejuvenate the skin

• Various methods to eliminate pimples and dents on the skin

• Reconstructive surgeries

Laser surgery to remove age spots, small veins, tattoos, or wrinkles

• Hair Transplant

Skin and hair rejuvenation methods by its specialist

Hypnotherapy, dermapen, and fractional RF, filler injection, Botox injection, and mesotherapy as well as permanent laser hair removal for face, hands, feet, armpits, chin, and bikini line with various devices

When should you see a dermatologist?

If skin and hair or nail symptoms do not respond to home remedies, we should seek specialized care. Like the:

• The presence of a mole-like dot that has irregular margins or has changed in size and shape.

Painful, cystic-like pimples that need to be removed quickly.

Dry, itchy, irritated skin for which Cortisone OTC cream is not effective.

Having scaly scales on the scalp, knees, waist, or elbows

Excessive hair loss or the appearance of bald spots on the head

Inflammation and persistent redness of the skin, blushing with embarrassment.

These different skin threats and the variety of conditions of each of them require the opinion of a specialist doctor to make the best diagnosis and prescription, so you can even establish an online consultation with a dermatologist so that when necessary and at any time, the condition Check the patient.

For online consultation, visit

Consultation with an anesthesiologist

Consultation with an anesthesiologist

Who is an anesthesiologist and what does he/she do?

 An anesthesiologist in addition to performing anesthesia and anesthesia in the operating room, controlling chronic pain such as joint pain and cancer, performing various surgeries and some painful treatments that initially need to relieve the patient and this pain during Surgery and sometimes after should continue. In general, pain management, various types of anesthesia and intensive care (ICU), performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation of patients are skilled on the verge of death.

During anesthesia surgery, vital signs such as heart rate, ECG, respiration, and blood pressure are constantly monitored by the anesthesiologist. And performs intravenous injections or serum and blood injections and even accompanies the patient to the recovery room after surgery.


Tasks of the anesthesiologist

• Pain relief is performed on the patient before medical procedures.

• Monitor the patient's vital signs during the procedure

• Monitor anesthesia assistants

Confirmation of general, regional, or local anesthesia

• Review of medical records and laboratory results

• Inform patients about the risks associated with anesthesia

• Adherence to hospital and medical policy


Reason for visiting an anesthesiologist before surgery

Patients who are candidates for surgery need to be seen by an anesthesiologist for consultation because the complications of surgery are reduced for the patient and it is necessary to prepare anesthesia and determine the conditions during anesthesia for surgery.

The anesthesiologist selects the type of anesthesia after performing the patient's physical examination and based on the type of surgery, examining the tests as well as other patient records, as well as examining the patient's medications.

These assessments can be done in the form of online counseling because sometimes patients are not able to see them in person, so they can have an online consultation with an anesthesiologist and show their evidence and tests through online counseling. And be guided.

For online consultation, visit

Consultation with a pulmonologist

Consultation with a pulmonologist

One of the most important organs of the respiratory system is the lungs. Its main function is to transfer oxygen from the air to the circulatory system and remove carbon dioxide from the body.

Who is a pulmonologist?

 Treats and examines disorders of the respiratory system and lungs. like the:

Treatment and evaluation of patients with acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases

Methods of diagnosing lung disease

Lung function tests, laboratory tests, chest radiographs, non-invasive oximetry, computed tomography (CT scan), bronchoscopy, ultrasonography, open lung biopsy, bronchoscopic biopsy, mediastinoscopy, mediastinoscopy Thoracosynthesis or pleural biopsy, MRI, Nuclear scan of the lung, Positron radiation tomography

What causes lung damage?

Infection, air pollution, smoking or even exposure to smoke, frequent use of air fresheners, frequent and constant use of wood fireplaces, a house made of asbestos fiber, the use of paints Chemical, the use of chemical cleaners such as Vitec and ink

When to see a pulmonologist?

Abnormal respiratory patterns such as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing during inhalation and exhalation, increased or decreased respiratory rate, chronic and frequent coughs, sputum, wheezing, abdominal pain, mild to severe fever, chest pain, fatigue, impaired breathing Heart rate, feeling of pressure in the back of the chest, bruising of the nails, purple fingers and lips, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever and chills, chest movement disorders, the possibility of mediastinal displacement, the possibility of additional sounds In the lungs or impaired lung sound


Types of lung diseases

Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, obstructive pulmonary disease, lung infection, pneumonia or pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, acute pulmonary respiratory syndrome, and, most importantly, Covid 19, which are very common today and lead to severe lung involvement or even becomes a pulmonary embolism.

 In the current situation, there may be many frequently asked questions about knowing the symptoms of the conflict, its solutions, or diagnosing the degree of conflict through the symptoms, and because of the pandemic situation and fear of Covid infection, easy access to a pulmonologist is very important. He contacted and consulted pulmonologists online.

For online consultation, visit

Online consultation with a plastic surgeon

Online consultation with a plastic surgeon

Today, one of the most common surgeries performed in Iran is cosmetic surgery. And plastic surgery is one of the most popular and widespread surgeries among people.

The plastic surgeon improves the shape and form of parts of the body, such as the face, abdomen, ears, hands, and buttocks, and combines them with ideal beauty.

Plastic surgeon Ability to work in areas such as:

  • nose plastic surgery
  • Breast cosmetic surgery

Rejuvenation services such as fat injection, gel injection, Botox injection

  • Facelift surgery

Abdominal cosmetic surgery

  • Sculpture
  • Eyelid cosmetic surgery

When should I see a plastic surgeon?

Big nose, big chin, lots of wrinkles, drooping eyelids, skull and face, and jaw surgery

Or from the beginning of birth, some problems have caused problems in the beauty of the person, such as the presence of congenital diseases in the face, trauma (injury and trauma) at birth when the face is out of symmetry, such as displacement of the nose damaged by trauma

In some cases, vascular and genetic disorders cause asymmetry in the baby's face

Genetic syndromes such as cleft lip and palate

Environmental factors such as the occurrence of an accident that caused damage to the soft and hard tissue of the face or a person who suffered damage to his face and body as a result of burns.

Occurrence of some problems due to aging such as lack of fat on the face and also a heterogeneous condition of the jaw and chin, cheek depression or middle age, based on physiological changes such as acne, lack of proper complexion

In general, cosmetic surgeries are a very broad rationale, each of which is used for a specific area. Therefore, before performing any surgery, we should consult a specialist and be informed about the type of surgery and the extent of surgical recovery. Many people after surgery were dissatisfied with the result of the operation or regretted doing it.

Therefore, before surgery, we must research the plastic doctor and be aware of the results of his surgeries and the level of patient satisfaction, as well as the doctor's experience of surgery. Therefore, pre-plastic surgery consultation is very important, and fortunately, with online consultation with a plastic surgeon, this is easy and possible, which means that you can easily choose the doctor you want online and see the opinions of his patients and see the doctor. Let's choose.

For online consultation, visit

Online Psychological Counseling

Online Psychological Counseling

We all sometimes encounter problems in life that have a direct impact on our thoughts, daily activities, as well as friendly and social relationships. Let's be it. Now we do not have the power to decide and solve many problems alone, and we must seek help from someone who specializes in this field that psychologists can guide us.

 Psychological counseling: A psychologist is someone who specializes in this field and can help us with the knowledge and knowledge he has about it. By examining our behavioral and personality disorders, as well as analyzing the problem, he patiently helps and guides us to solve it through numerous sessions and in the right way.

The relationship between the patient and the psychologist is based on trust, and we can safely recount the whole problem.

 When should we see a psychologist?

People can go to counseling for a variety of reasons, and it is certainly not the cause of a problem, but in many cases, our thoughts and psyche are under stress. For example, many times we do not have a specific goal in life and cannot make the right decision for our future. Be, or we do not have enough self-confidence in many cases or we go to improve our lifestyle and.... So whenever and wherever we feel the need to tell someone our problems and our nerves are under pressure, we can go to psychologists.

 Characteristics of a good psychologist:

A good psychologist does not advise us, but understands the situation, offers us, is not surprised by any of our words and does not blame us, is patient and guides us in the first stage, gives advice in the second stage, and in the third stage is psychotherapy and solves the problem by creating a solution.

Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, different types of consulting can be used. With online counseling, you can easily talk to psychologists wherever you are in the fastest possible time without wasting time.

For online psychological counseling, you can visit

Online ophthalmology consultation

Online ophthalmology consultation

The eye is one of the most important organs in our body. Using this organ, we can see and enjoy the beauty, beauty, and power of God in life, and in fact, it is one of the important tools of our communication with the world around us.

We can use our eyes to convey and understand all kinds of our feelings, and it also keeps us safe in a number of places. That is why it plays a significant role in our daily lives.

An eye defect means a loss of ability, so one of the most important organs in the body for the examination can be the eye.

Ophthalmology consultation: Ophthalmologists evaluate a person's vision and eye diseases by performing a series of tests and examinations, and if necessary, prevent or treat them by prescribing glasses, medication, or surgery. We also help to improve it over time by following the words and instructions of experts.

 When should we see an ophthalmologist?

If we ignore eye diseases and problems and fail to treat them, there are consequences that will not be compensated. In case of any diseases such as eye pain, lack of color recognition, vision change, infection and redness, swelling, runny, or blindness, we should see an ophthalmologist to improve and treat it as soon as possible.

 How often should an eye examination be performed?

The examination is different for different age groups. For example, in infants, by performing tests and examinations at six months, their vision problem or insufficiency can be diagnosed and treated, and in children up to 5 years, it should be referred at the age of 3 to 5 years, but in adults, it is as follows:

Adolescents: Once every 1 or 2 years

People 20 to 30 years: once every 5 to 10 years

People 30 to 54 years: once every 2 to 4 years

People 55 to 64 years: once every 1 to 3 years

Of course, in people who have a family history of eye diseases or use contact lenses and glasses, these time intervals will be shorter for them.

-Online ophthalmology consultation:

In online counseling, if you have questions about the disease and inflammation, lazy eye, eye deviation, eye surgery, glasses, and medical lenses, you can consult them with ophthalmologists online at any place and time and ask your questions. To answer your questions as soon as possible without taking turns.

The importance of the eye is very high and in case of any disease, we should see a doctor as soon as possible.

 For online consultation, visit surgeryiniran.coma

Online nutrition advice

Online nutrition advice

One of our natural human needs is nutrition, which is one of the most important factors for growth, health, and longevity, and in fact, determines our quality of life. Proper nutrition and having a diet causes health and vitality of body and soul and has a great impact on our thoughts and decisions. Also, the source of energy for our body during the day is the food we consume, so we must have a varied and complete diet. To go through this process, we need an informed person who will help us with nutrition consultants.

Who is nutrition counseling?

 A nutritionist is someone who specializes in this area and can well help us decide what foods to eat and how much during the day.

 According to the deficiencies of each person's body and according to the needs of the body, counselors write a program that leads to less consumption of harmful foods and more consumption of vegetables and fruits, and by following and monitoring that program, it causes a faster process and They get better results.

 When should I seek nutritional counseling?

In situations such as pregnancy, weight loss, obesity, high cholesterol, poor sleep, as well as in diseases such as kidney, liver, heart, gastrointestinal and cancer, we need proper and planned nutrition to improve our condition that we can See nutritionists.

Having a healthy diet, in addition to improving our physical health, also improves the state of our soul and makes us feel more energetic and better during the day, and all our activities are done with more energy and motivation, and in fact, our lifestyle is healthy and Is evolving. Also, the risk of various diseases such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, etc. is reduced. Of course, acting according to experts is also the main and important point in improving the disease and getting results sooner.

Features of a good nutrition consultant

Counselors should prioritize the patient's health and design the best program for them that fits their body needs. Also, their availability is one of the most important options for proper counseling that can patiently efficiently respond to patients. Give.

Online counseling is a good choice considering the busyness of life and people who do not have enough time to visit in person.

For online nutrition advice, you can visit

Consultation with a gastric bypass specialist

Consultation with a gastric bypass specialist

One of the surgical methods that lead to weight loss, without having a special diet or exercise is gastric bypass surgery. In this method, the upper part of the stomach is cut and attached to the lower part of the intestine and the upper part of the intestine to the lower part. The intestine attaches and this reduces the absorption of food.

This mechanism causes the body to absorb fewer calories, and one of the problems of people who suffer from it is obesity, so many people try to solve this problem every day. Therefore, having enough information to perform such an operation and knowing how to perform the surgery, its recovery period, and the benefits and complications of this surgery, and receiving a consultation with a gastric bypass surgeon, and generally obtaining sufficient information about gastric bypass surgery before surgery. It is necessary.

Uses of online counseling and its benefits

It takes a lot of time, time, and money to consult and get enough information or find an experienced specialist doctor.

 For people who face the problem of lack of time due to full-time employment

Sometimes the patient has to explain his history to the doctor after the surgery, but due to the difficulty of traveling to the doctor, he can do it online and even visually, and if necessary, medicine to heal and heal wounds and Prescribe postoperative injuries, and recommend in-person examinations in emergencies.

Spend the cost of visits and travel, to visit different medical centers and doctors

 With online counseling, you can talk to more experts and get advice in less time

In general, face-to-face counseling is not fundamentally different from online, the only difference is in the way the doctor and clients communicate.


For online consultation, visit